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I have a database of 30000 products and all products has assigned different categories. There is a separate table for all categories & sub-categories are also stored into same table. The table structure is something like this


category_id_pk, category_name, parent_id


product_id_pk, product_name, category_id_fk (reference to Category_mst->category_id_pk)

Categories are stored upto any number of sub levels. So there can be categories like below

Clothes > Shirts > Kids > Red Color

Products are stored on any level of Category. I want to make a query or a php script that can find out all the Categories that have no Products under it(upto any sub level).

How can I do this ?

Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer

0 votes
You are trying to store hierarchical data in a database.

The naive approach to this is a very poor one, because MySQL does not support recursive queries (unlike Oracle or SQL-server).

Change your database design.

See: The Nested Set Model hierarchical data

Implementing a hierarchical data structure in a database

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