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What is Azure CDN (Content Delivery Network) and why to use it?

1 Answer

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Almost each and every site has HTML, JS, CSS, image, video and font files that do not change much from user to user. To minimize the application load time we should use CDN.

Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) is CDN service provided by Azure Cloud Platform that enables in storing and accessing data on different content servers and locations – used by online or cloud services. It provides:

  1. Better performance and user experience for end-users who are far from the destination content source or where there are many intermediary nodes in between to reach the content.
  2. Ability to scale to handle instantaneous high load and demand
  3. Caching content from publicly available Azure storage blobs
  4. Caching web content, images, scripts, and other website content from CDN
  5. Enables in caching objects to the CDN that are provided by an Azure cloud service
  6. Cache content based on specific query strings
  7. Accessing cached content from a custom domain name by mapping the CDN HTTP Endpoint.

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