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How can you make use of the zstyle command in Zsh to configure completion styles?

1 Answer

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Zsh’s zstyle command is used to configure completion styles, providing a flexible way to control the behavior of various Zsh functions. To use it, you need to specify three parameters: context, style and value.

The context parameter defines where the style applies. It can be specific (like ‘:completion::complete:ls:’) or generic (‘:completion:*’). The style parameter determines what aspect of the function’s behavior will change. For example, ‘list-colors’ changes color of file listings.

To set a style, use the syntax “zstyle ‘:context:’ style value”. For instance, “zstyle ‘:completion:*’ list-colors ”” sets all completions to have no colors.

You can also use patterns in contexts for more complex configurations. For example, “zstyle ‘:completion:*:*:rm:*’ menu yes” enables a selection menu only when using rm command.

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