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in Image Classification by
Can you explain how to use SVG clipping and masking techniques?

1 Answer

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Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) clipping and masking techniques are used to control the visibility of SVG elements. Clipping is done using the ‘clipPath’ element, which defines a region where everything inside is visible while outside regions are hidden. To use it, create a ‘clipPath’, give it an ID, then reference this ID in your target element’s ‘clip-path’ attribute.

Masking, on the other hand, uses the ‘mask’ element to define how much of an object should be visible based on luminance or alpha values of mask content. Create a ‘mask’, assign an ID, then reference this ID in your target element’s ‘mask’ attribute.

For both techniques, you can use shapes, paths, text, or even images as your clipPath or mask. Remember that for masks, white areas reveal the object, black areas conceal it, and gray areas partially reveal it.

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