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What’s the difference between Agile methodology and Traditional methodology of Software Development?

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Agile Software Development: It is an iterative approach that is used to design complicated software. In this method, project teams are allowed to be more flexible and ensure that the final is fulfilling the customer’s requirements. It develops customer-centric products and delivers in shorter sprints.

Traditional Software Development: It is a linear approach that is used to design simple software. In this method, all the phases of the process usually occur in sequence. It is more suitable for projects where the possibility of changes is negligible in the scope.

gile Software Development Traditional Software Development 
This approach is more focused on teamwork, flexibility, customer collaboration, and features. This approach is more focused on upfront planning and gives importance to factors like cost, scope, and time.
In this, testing is usually done parallel to the development activity.In this, testing is usually done at the end of the development activity.
In this, testing is done on small features.In this, testing is done on the whole application.
It involves various stakeholders including customers in the development process.It does not involve all stakeholders in the development process.
In this methodology, testers and developers work together as a team to achieve a goal. In this methodology, testers and developers work separately.
They collaborate with customers in each and every step throughout the process.They collaborate with customers only at the requirement phase.
Agile processes are more focused and flexible as compared to traditional processes. The traditional process is less flexible as compared to the agile process.
This method is more suitable for large or more complex projects. This method is more suitable for small or less complex projects.

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