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How does MongoDB connect to GUI?

1 Answer

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MongoDB running as a local instance exposes a local port where it’s running. Similarly, a cloud-based MongoDB instance would have a URL and port. Any GUI like Robo3T or NoSQL Booster can connect to the MongoDB instance by providing the URL and port of the instance.

Here is the list of MongoDB GUI tools:
  • TablePlus
  • Studio 3T
  • Robo 3T
  • NoSQLBooster
  • MongoDB Compass
  • NoSQL Manager
  • HumongouS.io
  • Mongo Management Studio
  • DronaHQ
  • phpMoAdmin
  • Retool

MongoDB GUI Tools Comparison Chart

ToolFeaturesPricingOur Rating (out of 5)
Studio3T1. Enterprise level MongoDB GUI client.
2. Cross platform support with features like autocomplete and syntax highlighting.
3. Support for generating code for the queries for different scripting languages like - Java, NodeJS, Python.
1. Offers free 30 day trial.
2. Paid version starts at $199 per license per year.
Robo3T1. Lightweight and open source MongoDB GUI Client.
2. Embeds mongoDB shell hence support is upto date for the latest version of MongoDB
3. Good for building aggregation queries.
Open sourced and free to use.Star_rating_4_of_5
MongoDB Compass1. Visual Query editor and visual explain plans.
2. Integrated with an intelligent JSON validator.
3. Upto date with latest MongoDB versions.
Open sourced and free to useStar_rating_4_of_5
TablePlus1. GUI client for both SQL and NO SQL databases.
2. Supports table editing inline.
3. End to end encrypted and secure connections.
1. Free trial.
2. Paid versions start at - $69 per license.
HumongousIO1. Web based MongoDB GUI used to create highly customisable Admin dashboards.
2. Supports advanced search and SSL connections.
1. Offers 14 day trial.
2. Basic plan starts at $19 per user per month for limited no of projects and charts.
NoSQL booster1. Offers exceptional debugging support with ability to setup breakpoints within the query editor.
2. Supports auto code completion with intellisense.
3. SQL Like queries supporting JOINS and Aggregate expressions.
1. Offers free version with limited features.
2. Paid version starts at $129 per license.

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