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 A company has a lot of data hosted on their On-premises infrastructure. Running out of storage space, the company wants a quick win solution using AWS. There should be low latency for the frequently accessed data. Which of the following would allow the easy extension of their data infrastructure to AWS?

A. The company could start using Gateway Cached Volumes

B. The company could start using Gateway Stored Volumes

C. The company could start using the Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class

D. The company could start using Amazon S3 Glacier

1 Answer

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Answer: A


Volume Gateways and Cached Volumes can be used to start storing data in S3.

AWS Documentation mentions the following:

You store your data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and retain a copy of frequently accessed data subsets locally. Cached volumes offer substantial cost savings on primary storage and minimize the need to scale your storage on-premises. You also retain low-latency access to your frequently accessed data.

This is the difference between Cached and stored volumes:

Cached volumes – You store your data in S3 and retain a copy of frequently accessed data subsets locally. Cached volumes offer substantial cost savings on primary storage and “minimize the need to scale your storage on-premises. You also retain low-latency access to your frequently accessed data.”

Stored volumes – If you need low-latency access to your entire data set, first configure your on-premises gateway to store all your data locally. Then asynchronously back up point-in-time snapshots of this data to Amazon S3. “This configuration provides durable and inexpensive off-site backups that you can recover to your local data center or Amazon EC2.” For example, if you need replacement capacity for disaster recovery, you can recover the backups to Amazon EC2.

As described in the answer: The company wants a quick win solution to store data with AWS, avoiding scaling the on-premise setup rather than backing up the data.

In the question, they mentioned that “A company has a lot of data hosted on their On-premises infrastructure.” From On-premises to cloud infrastructure, you can use AWS storage gateways.

Options C and D are incorrect as they are talking about the S3 storage classes, but the requirement is (How) to transfer or migrate your data from On-premises to Cloud infrastructure.

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