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Chef Mimas MCQ Answers

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 Chef Mimas

1. Recipes will execute in based on priority

(a). True

(b). False


2. To run a cookbook in local mode run chef-client with

(a). -y

(b). -z

(c). -v

(d). -x

Answer:-(b). -z

3. Which one of the following is not a knife command

(a). All of the options

(b). Knife list

(c). Knife open

(d). Knife node

Answer:-(c). Knife open

4. A collection of resource forms a ________

(a). repository

(b). cookbook

(c). recipe

Answer:-(c). recipe

5. ______ helps in keeping the chef repo in sync with Git

(a). Nodes

(b). Chef-supermarket

(c). Workstation

(d). Chef-Server

Answer:-(c). Workstation

6. Which of the Following command will create knife.rb and client.rb file

(a). knife create

(b). knife execute

(c). knife configure

(d). knife client

Answer:-(c). knife configure

7. After installing chefDK you can verify the installation using the command

(a). None of the options

(b). chef –version

(c). both the options

(d). chef verify

Answer:-(c). Both the options

8. In workstation chef is installed using _____ installer

(a). Multibus

(b). Onewaybus

(c). all the options

(d). Omnibus

Answer:-(d). Omnibus

9. Multiple users can access a single organization

(a). False

(b). True

Answer:-(b). True

10. Which among the following is a load balancer in chef server

(a). Solr

(b). Lucene

(c). Ngnix

(d). RabitMQ

Answer:-(c). Ngnix

11. Which tab in Chef server webUI has list of cookbooks uploaded

(a). Policy

(b). Cookbooks

(c). Bookshelf

(d). Nodes

Answer:-(a). Policy

12. Which of the following requires manual configuration

(a). On-Premises chef

(b). Hosted chef

Answer:-(a). On-Premises chef

13. Chef is written using

(a). None of the options

(b). Erlang

(c). Ruby

(d). Both the options

Answer:-(d). Both the options

14. Define the different Chef Server Componenets?

Below are the typical Chef Server Componenets:-

(a). Nginx

(b). Bookshelf

(c). WebUI-Manage

(d). Message Queue

(e). Chef Solr

(f). PostgreSQL




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