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There is a discrepancy in a client’s information. How would you approach them about it?

1 Answer

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This question is an opportunity to show your communication skills and how you would handle a challenging situation. When answering this question, it can be helpful to provide specific examples of how you handled similar situations in the past.

Example: “When dealing with discrepancies in a client’s information, I believe it is important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. First, I would take the time to research the issue thoroughly, so that I can provide accurate and up-to-date information to my client. Once I have all of the facts, I would then reach out to the client directly and explain the discrepancy in an open and honest manner. I would also be sure to emphasize that the goal is to ensure their coverage is correct and adequate for their needs. Finally, I would work closely with the client to come up with a solution that best fits their individual circumstances. This approach allows me to build trust with my clients while providing them with the best possible service.”

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