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in Flutter by
What are the advantages of using Flutter?

3 Answers

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Flutter has various advantages to coding mobile apps:-

Reduce the amount of code- Hot reload feature provided by Flutter helps in faster performance. The app is coded in C/C++ code to make it as close to machine code as possible for faster app development. The widget availability in Flutter reduces the time spent on coding and uses reusable code.

  1. Cross-Platform development- Flutter code can be used across platforms to reduce the effort on the development team's side.
  2. Live and Hot Reloading- It helps write the code faster and more easily. The code can be easily modified when a change is made.
  3. Works like a Native app- Flutter code is as close to machine code as possible. This reduces the errors due to the interpretation of code. The app works in a native environment, and the coded apps are fast and easy to use.
  4. Community- Flutter has a thriving community to help you with the questions you might have.
  5. Minimal Code- The Flutter app is coded using the Dart programming language. This increases the speed of development, and the UI is fast. Dart uses JIT and AOT compilation which is very fast.
  6. Faster documentation- It has fast and well-organized documentation. The central depository stores the documents for future reference.
  7. Customized designs- The customized layered architecture allows the designing of custom designs, faster rendering and expressive UIs.
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Flutter offers flexibility and expressive UI with the faster performance provided by Flutter’s code- Hot reload feature. 

A wide variety of users can get access and internationalization with the help of Flutter code to web applications.

Flutter widgets come with native performance on both Android and iOS as flutter code is compiled with ARM machine code using Dart's native compilers.

Flutter provides faster deployment, customized designs, faster documentation, live and hot coding, and minimal coding with C/C++.

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Following are the primary advantages of Flutter:

  1. Flexible and Expressive UI: Flutter offers personalizable layered architecture that assists in expressive UI, flexible design, and rapid rendering.
  2. Faster Deployment: It provides fast development due to its “hot reload” feature. We can maintain the state on the sub-second reload times.
  3. Native Performance: Dart compilers have a crucial role in compiling our flutter code because the code can be compiled into natural ARM machine code through the native compilers of Dart. It has natural performance on both iOS and Android.
  4. Flutter offers you accessibility and internationalization for a wide variety of users globally.

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