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Why do ensembles typically have higher scores than individual models? 

1 Answer

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An ensemble is the combination of multiple models to create a single prediction. The key idea for making better predictions is that the models should make different errors. That way the errors of one model will be compensated by the right guesses of the other models and thus the score of the ensemble will be higher.

We need diverse models for creating an ensemble. Diversity can be achieved by:

  1. Using different ML algorithms. For example, you can combine logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, and decision trees.
  2. Using different subsets of the data for training. This is called bagging.
  3. Giving a different weight to each of the samples of the training set. If this is done iteratively, weighting the samples according to the errors of the ensemble, it’s called boosting. Many winning solutions to data science competitions are ensembles. However, in real-life machine learning projects, engineers need to find a balance between execution time and accuracy.

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