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in Machine Learning by
What is an imbalanced dataset? Can you list some ways to deal with it?

1 Answer

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An imbalanced dataset is one that has different proportions of target categories. For example, a dataset with medical images where we have to detect some illness will typically have many more negative samples than positive samples—say, 98% of images are without the illness and 2% of images are with the illness.

There are different options to deal with imbalanced datasets:

Oversampling or undersampling. Instead of sampling with a uniform distribution from the training dataset, we can use other distributions so the model sees a more balanced dataset.

Data augmentation. We can add data in the less frequent categories by modifying existing data in a controlled way. In the example dataset, we could flip the images with illnesses, or add noise to copies of the images in such a way that the illness remains visible.

Using appropriate metrics. In the example dataset, if we had a model that always made negative predictions, it would achieve a precision of 98%. There are other metrics such as precision, recall, and F-score that describe the accuracy of the model better when using an imbalanced dataset.

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