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in Kubernetes K8s by
Explain what is a Master Node and what component does it consist of?

1 Answer

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The master node is the most vital component responsible for Kubernetes architecture It is the central controlling unit of Kubernetes and manages workload and communications across the clusters The master node has various components, each having its process. They are: -ETCD -Controller Manager -Scheduler -API Server

ETCD (Cluster store): -This component stores the configuration details and essential values -It communicates with all other components to receive the commands and work in order to perform an action -It also manages network rules and posts forwarding activity

Controller Manager -It is responsible for most of the controllers and performs a task -It is a daemon which runs in a continuous loop and is responsible for collecting and sending information to API server -The key controllers handle nodes, endpoints, etc.

Scheduler: -It is one of the key components of the master node associated with the distribution of workload -The scheduler is responsible for workload utilization and allocating pod to a new node -The scheduler should have an idea of the total resources available as well as resources allocated to existing workloads on each node

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