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in Snowflake by
What are the ways to interact with Snowflake?

1 Answer

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There are many ways to interact with Snowflake, depending on your needs and preferences. 

The most common methods are:

SnowSQL is a command line interface (CLI) tool that you can use to execute SQL statements and perform various tasks in Snowflake.

Snowsight is a web-based user interface (UI) that provides a modern and intuitive way to explore, query, visualize, and share data in Snowflake.

Snowflake Connector for Python. A library that allows you to connect to Snowflake and perform data manipulation using Python code.

Snowflake ODBC driver. Software that allows ODBC-based applications such as R, Excel, and Tableau to connect to Snowflake and access data.

The Snowflake API is an interface that allows you to programmatically manipulate Snowflake functions and data using a variety of languages ​​and frameworks. 

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