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in Snowflake by
Explain what is Snowflake Time travel and Data Retention Period.

1 Answer

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Time travel is a Snowflake feature that gives you access to historical data present in the Snowflake data warehouse. For example, suppose you accidentally delete a table named Employee. Using time travel, it is possible to go back five minutes in time to retrieve the data you lost. Data that has been altered or deleted can be accessed via Snowflake Time Travel at any point within a defined period. It is capable of performing the following tasks within a specific/defined period of time: 

Analyzing data manipulations and usage over a specified period of time.

Restoring data-related objects (tables, schemas, and databases) that are accidentally lost (dropped)/

Backup and duplication of data (clones) at or before specific points in the past.

As soon as the defined/specific period of time (data retention period) expires, the data moves into Snowflake Fail-safe and these actions/tasks cannot be performed. 

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