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in AWS CodeCommit by
What are the AWS CLI commands commonly used to interact with AWS CodeCommit? Please provide an overview of these commands.

1 Answer

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AWS CLI commands for interacting with CodeCommit include:

1. aws codecommit create-repository: Creates a new repository.

2. aws codecommit list-repositories: Lists all repositories in your AWS account.

3. aws codecommit get-repository: Retrieves metadata about a specific repository.

4. aws codecommit delete-repository: Deletes a specified repository.

5. aws codecommit update-repository-description: Updates the description of an existing repository.

6. aws codecommit create-branch: Creates a new branch from an existing commit.

7. aws codecommit list-branches: Lists branches within a repository.

These commands enable users to manage repositories, branches, and metadata using the AWS CLI.

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