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Explain about java classes related to the use of sensors on Android.

1 Answer

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Android sensor API provides many classes and interface for the use of sensors on Android. The important classes and interfaces of sensor API are given below:

Sensor class: This class helps you to create an instance of a specific sensor. It provides methods that let you determine a sensor’s capabilities.

SensorManager class: This class is used to create an instance of the sensor service. It provides methods to access and list sensors, to register and unregister sensor listeners, etc.

SensorEvent class: This Java class is used to create a sensor event object. It provides information about the sensor event including raw sensor data, the accuracy of data, type of sensor, timestamp of event, etc.

SensorEventListener interface: This interface is used to create two callback methods that receive sensor event notifications when sensor value changes or when sensor accuracy changes. Those two methods are void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) which is called when sensor accuracy is changed and

void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) which is called when sensor values are changed.

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