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What are the types of formatting?

1 Answer

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Basically there are 4 types of formatting available in i18n plugin,

  1. Named formatting: First You need to define the message keys in curly braces({})
    const messages = {
      en: {
        message: {
          greeting: '{msg} Morning'
    After that pass argument value along with key in the template
    <p>{{ $t('message.greeting', { msg: 'Good' }) }}</p>
    It outputs the result as below,
    <p>Good Morning</p>
  2. List formatting: First you need to define zero index based keys in the messages,
    const messages = {
      en: {
        message: {
          greeting: '{0} Morning'
    After that pass argument value with in an array
    <p>{{ $t('message.greeting', ['Good']) }}</p>
    Finally it outputs the result as below,
    <p>Good morning</p>
    Note: It also accepts array-like object
    <p>{{ $t('message.greeting', {'0': 'Good'}) }}</p>
  3. HTML formatting: This formatting is required when want to render your translation as an HTML message and not a static string.
    const messages = {
      en: {
        message: {
          greeting: 'Good <br> Morning'
    After that use it in the html directive template as below
    <p v-html="$t('message.greeting')"></p>
    Finally it outputs the result as below
    <!--<br> exists but is rendered as html and not a string-->
  4. Ruby on rails format: First you need to define with percentile and curly braces as below,
    const messages = {
      en: {
        message: {
          greeting: '%{msg} Morning'
    After that pass argument with key similar to named formatting
    <p>{{ $t('message.greeting', { msg: 'Good' }) }}</p>
    Finally it renders the output as below,
    <p>Good Morning</p>

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