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How do different programming languages handle Segmentation Faults?

1 Answer

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Segmentation faults occur when a program tries to access memory it shouldn’t. Different languages handle this differently.

In C and C++, the OS sends SIGSEGV signal causing abrupt termination unless handled explicitly by programmer using signal handling mechanisms.

Java, Python, and other high-level languages have built-in exception handling systems. In Java, an “ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException” or “NullPointerException” is thrown. Python raises an “IndexError” or “AttributeError”. These exceptions can be caught and handled within the code, preventing sudden crashes.

JavaScript running in browsers doesn’t expose segmentation faults directly due to its sandboxed environment. Errors like accessing undefined variables result in runtime errors instead of segfaults.

Rust language prevents most causes of segmentation fault at compile time through strict borrowing and lifetime rules. If such error occurs at runtime, Rust panics, unwinding the stack or aborting the process based on configuration.

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