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in Dot Net by
Describe the process of adding custom threads to an ASP.NET application, and how this can impact the scalability and maintainability of the application.

1 Answer

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To add custom threads in an ASP.NET application, use the System.Threading namespace. Create a new Thread object and pass a delegate representing the method to be executed on the thread. Start the thread using the Start() method.


using System.Threading;
public void CustomThreadMethod()
// Your code here
public void AddCustomThread()
Thread customThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CustomThreadMethod));

Adding custom threads can impact scalability positively by allowing parallel execution of tasks, improving performance. However, it may also negatively affect maintainability due to increased complexity, potential deadlocks, and race conditions. To mitigate these risks, utilize synchronization mechanisms like locks, Monitor, Mutex, or SemaphoreSlim.

Consider using ThreadPool or Task Parallel Library (TPL) for better thread management and improved scalability without compromising maintainability.

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