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What are some common pitfalls to avoid when working with threads in ASP.NET? Please provide specific examples.

1 Answer

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When working with threads in ASP.NET, avoid these common pitfalls:

1. Blocking the main thread: Avoid using Thread.Sleep() or blocking calls on the main thread, as it can lead to unresponsive applications. Use async/await for non-blocking operations.

2. Deadlocks: Ensure proper use of locks and Monitor.Enter/Exit to prevent deadlocks. For example:

lock (objA)
lock (objB) { }

3. Race conditions: Utilize synchronization mechanisms like Mutex, Semaphore, or ReaderWriterLockSlim to protect shared resources from concurrent access.

4. ThreadPool exhaustion: Limit the number of threads created by using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem instead of creating new Thread instances.

5. Incorrect use of Task.Run: Do not use Task.Run within an async method; this may cause unnecessary context switching. Instead, use Task.Factory.StartNew with appropriate TaskCreationOptions.

6. Ignoring exceptions: Always handle exceptions thrown by tasks or threads, either through try-catch blocks or attaching a continuation with Task.ContinueWith.

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