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What is your strategy for unit testing validation logic?

1 Answer

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My strategy for unit testing validation logic involves a multi-step approach. Initially, I identify the key functionalities of the code that need to be validated. This includes understanding the expected inputs and outputs. Then, I create test cases that cover all possible scenarios including edge cases and invalid inputs.

I use assertions to compare actual results with expected outcomes. If there’s a mismatch, the test fails, indicating an issue in the validation logic. For complex validations, I break down the tests into smaller units to isolate issues.

In addition, I ensure my tests are independent and can run in any order without affecting each other. This is crucial as it allows me to pinpoint specific areas where the code may fail.

Lastly, I make sure to refactor and maintain these tests regularly. As the codebase evolves, so should the tests to ensure they remain effective.

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