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Explain different types of framework and connection of Selenium with Robot Framework.

1 Answer

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The following are the different types of frameworks:

Behavior-Driven Development Framework: This type of framework provides a readable and easily understandable format to Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, etc.

Data-Driven Testing Framework: This type of framework helps separate test data from the test-script logic by storing test data in some external database in the form of key-value pairs. These keys can be used for accessing as well as populating data into the test scripts.

Keyword-Driven Testing Framework: This type of framework is an extension of the data-driven testing framework. In addition to separating test data and the test-script logic, it also separates a part of the test script code by storing it in an external data file.

Library Architecture Testing Framework: This type of framework groups common steps into functions under a library and calls these functions as and when required.

Module-Based Testing Framework: This type of framework divides each test application into several isolated and logical modules, with each module having its distinct test script.

Hybrid Testing Framework: This type of framework is a combination of the above-mentioned frameworks leveraging all their good features.

Robot Framework is a modular open-source automation framework that can interact with 3rd party libraries and functions. To execute a web testing library such as Selenium, a test automation runner or an automation wrapper is required, which is provided to it in the form of Robot Framework. Other popular test runners to serve the same purpose are MSTest, TestNG, Nunit, Junit, etc.

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