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What do you understand about the Page Object Model in the context of Selenium? What are its advantages?

1 Answer

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Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern that generates an Object Repository for web UI elements and is widely used in test automation. The paradigm has the advantage of reducing code duplication and improving test maintenance. According to this paradigm, each web page in the application should have its own Page Class. This Page class will identify the web page's WebElements and also has Page methods that operate on those WebElements. The names of these methods should correspond to the tasks they perform, for example, if a loader is waiting for the payment gateway to appear, the POM method name could be waitForPaymentScreenDisplay().

The following are the advantages of the Page Object Model (POM) :

According to the Page Object Design Pattern, user interface activities and flows should be separated from verification. Our code is clearer and easier to understand as a result of this notion.

The second advantage is that the object repository is independent of test cases, allowing us to reuse the same object repository with different tools. For example, we can use Selenium to combine Page Object Model with TestNG/JUnit for functional testing and JBehave/Cucumber for acceptability testing.

Because of the reusable page methods in the POM classes, code gets less and more efficient.

Methods are given more realistic names that can be easily associated with the UI operation. If we land on the home page after clicking the button, the function name will be 'gotoHomePage()'.

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