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in Selenium by
What kinds of Selenium WebDriver exceptions have you run into?

1 Answer

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In the following project the exceptions we've run into are as follows:

Element Not Visible Exception: This error is produced when you try to discover a certain element on a webpage that is not currently accessible, despite the fact that it exists in the DOM. Also, if you're trying to find an element with an XPath that connects two or more elements, it can be difficult.

Stale Element Reference Exception: This is thrown in one of two scenarios, the first of which is more prevalent:

The element has been completely removed.

The element has been detached from the DOM.

On the elements, with which we are interacting, destruction and then restoration, we get a stale element reference exception. When this happens, the element's DOM reference becomes invalid. Because of this, we are unable to obtain the element's reference.

The following are some more common exceptions:

  1. WebDriverException
  2. TimeoutException
  3. NoAlertPresentException
  4. NoSuchWindowException
  5. IllegalStateException
  6. NoSuchElementException.

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