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What are the various authentication mechanisms that can be used in Angular applications, and what are the pros and cons of each?

1 Answer

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Angular applications support multiple authentication mechanisms, including:

1. Token-based (JWT): JSON Web Tokens are compact and self-contained tokens for securely transmitting information. Pros: Stateless, scalable, and mobile-friendly. Cons: Vulnerable to token theft and requires extra care in storage.

2. OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect: Open standard protocols for authorization and identity management. Pros: Widely adopted, secure, and supports third-party integrations. Cons: Complex setup and may require additional server-side implementation.

3. Cookie-based: Traditional method using cookies to store session data. Pros: Simple and well-understood. Cons: Stateful, less suitable for modern single-page applications, and vulnerable to CSRF attacks.

4. SAML: Security Assertion Markup Language is an XML-based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data. Pros: Supports Single Sign-On (SSO) and enterprise-level security. Cons: Verbose, complex, and not natively supported by Angular.

Choose the appropriate mechanism based on your application’s requirements, considering factors like scalability, security, and ease of implementation.

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