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in Angular by

In Angular, what factors should be considered when choosing between using cookies or local storage for storing authentication tokens?

1 Answer

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When choosing between cookies and local storage for storing authentication tokens in Angular, consider the following factors:

1. Security: Cookies can be secured with flags like HttpOnly and Secure, preventing XSS attacks. Local storage is vulnerable to XSS but immune to CSRF attacks.

2. Expiration: Cookies have built-in expiration mechanisms, while local storage requires manual handling of token expiration.

3. Size Limitations: Local storage has a higher storage capacity compared to cookies.

4. Accessibility: Cookies are sent automatically with each HTTP request, increasing data overhead. Local storage requires explicit handling when sending tokens.

5. Cross-domain Requests: Cookies are limited by the same-origin policy, whereas local storage allows cross-domain access via CORS configuration.

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