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in Angular by
Can you describe the process of securely implementing social login (e.g., Google, Facebook) in Angular applications?

1 Answer

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To securely implement social login in Angular applications, follow these steps:

1. Choose a library: Select an authentication library like AngularFireAuth or Auth0 to handle the process.

2. Configure providers: Set up Google and Facebook as authentication providers by creating developer accounts and obtaining API keys.

3. Integrate with Angular: Import the chosen library into your Angular application and configure it with the obtained API keys.

4. Create UI components: Design login buttons for each provider and bind them to corresponding methods that trigger the authentication process.

5. Handle authentication response: Upon successful authentication, store user information (e.g., access token) in a secure manner, such as HttpOnly cookies or localStorage.

6. Protect routes: Use route guards to restrict access to specific parts of the application based on user’s authentication status and roles.

7. Implement logout functionality: Provide users with a way to log out, clearing stored tokens and revoking permissions granted during the login process.

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