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in Angular by
How do you handle authentication and authorization for Angular applications that consume third-party APIs and services?

1 Answer

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To handle authentication and authorization in Angular applications consuming third-party APIs, follow these steps:

1. Implement an authentication service to manage user login, token storage, and retrieval.

2. Use OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect for secure communication with the third-party API.

3. Obtain access tokens from the third-party API’s authorization server upon successful user authentication.

4. Store the access tokens securely using HttpOnly cookies or browser storage like sessionStorage/localStorage.

5. Attach the stored access tokens as Bearer tokens in the Authorization header of HTTP requests to the third-party API.

6. Utilize route guards and directives to protect routes and UI elements based on user roles and permissions.

7. Handle token expiration by implementing refresh token logic or prompting users to re-authenticate.

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