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What are some best practices for keeping Angular application tokens secure from theft and misuse?

1 Answer

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To keep Angular application tokens secure, follow these best practices:

1. Use HTTPS: Ensure all communication between client and server is encrypted using SSL/TLS to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

2. Store tokens securely: Avoid storing tokens in local storage or cookies; use HttpOnly cookies or sessionStorage instead.

3. Implement short token lifetimes: Set expiration times for tokens to minimize the impact of a compromised token.

4. Refresh tokens: Utilize refresh tokens to obtain new access tokens without requiring user re-authentication.

5. Validate tokens on the server-side: Verify token signatures and claims before processing requests.

6. Protect against CSRF attacks: Employ anti-CSRF measures like synchronizer token pattern or same-site cookie attribute.

7. Limit token scope: Assign appropriate permissions to tokens based on user roles and restrict access to sensitive resources.

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