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How do you handle user impersonation in Angular applications for customer support purposes, while ensuring data privacy and security?

1 Answer

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To handle user impersonation in Angular applications for customer support purposes, follow these steps:

1. Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to differentiate between regular users and support agents.

2. Create a secure API endpoint that allows support agents to request temporary tokens for impersonating users.

3. Ensure the API validates the agent’s credentials and assigns limited permissions to the temporary token.

4. Store the original user session data securely before initiating impersonation, allowing easy restoration after the support task is completed.

5. Use an HttpInterceptor to inject the temporary token into HTTP requests made by the support agent during impersonation.

6. Log all actions performed by support agents during impersonation for auditing and security purposes.

Ensure data privacy and security by limiting the scope of impersonated sessions, encrypting sensitive data, and monitoring support agent activities.

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