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Azure Advisor provides recommendations on how to reduce the cost of running Azure virtual machines.

1 Answer

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True (Advisor is a personalized cloud consultant that helps you follow best practices to optimize your Azure deployments. Once your VMs run for a bit in Azure, Advisor will start making recommendations on how to reduce your running VM costs.

The Advisor dashboard displays personalized recommendations for all your subscriptions. You can apply filters to display recommendations for specific subscriptions and resource types.

The recommendations are divided into five categories:

Reliability (formerly called High Availability): To ensure and improve the continuity of your business-critical applications

Security: To detect threats and vulnerabilities that might lead to security breaches.

Performance: To improve the speed of your applications.

Cost: To optimize and reduce your overall Azure spending.

Operational Excellence: To help you achieve process and workflow efficiency, resource manageability and deployment best practices)

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