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Your company is planning to move to the AWS Cloud. You need to give a presentation on the cost perspective when moving existing resources to the AWS Cloud. When it comes to Amazon EC2, which of the following is an advantage when it comes to the cost perspective?

A) Having the ability of automated backups of the EC2 instance, so that you don’t need to worry about the maintenance costs.
B) The ability to choose low cost AMI’s to prepare the instances.
C) The ability to only pay for what you use.
D) Ability to tag instances to reduce the overall cost.

1 Answer

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C) The ability to only pay for what you use.

One of the advantages of EC2 Instances is the per second billing concept. This is given in the AWS documentation also With per-second billing, you pay for only what you use. It takes cost of unused minutes and seconds in an hour off of the bill, so you can focus on improving your applications instead of maximizing usage to the hour. Especially, if you manage instances running for irregular periods of time, such as dev/testing, data processing, analytics, batch processing and gaming applications, can benefit.

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