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Can you describe the OAuth2 authentication flow and how it can be integrated with Angular applications?

1 Answer

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OAuth2 authentication flow consists of four main steps: Authorization, Token Request, Token Response, and Resource Access. In Angular applications, integration can be achieved using libraries like angular-oauth2-oidc.

1. Authorization: User is redirected to the authorization server (e.g., Google) from the Angular app. The user grants permission for the app to access their data.

Example URL:


2. Token Request: After successful authorization, the server redirects back to the Angular app with an authorization code. The app exchanges this code for an access token by making a POST request to the token endpoint.

Example POST request:

POST /token HTTP/1.1

Host: oauth2.googleapis.com

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


3. Token Response: The server responds with an access token and optionally a refresh token. These tokens are stored securely in the Angular app (e.g., HttpOnly cookies).

4. Resource Access: The Angular app uses the access token to make API requests on behalf of the user. The token is included as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of each request.

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